'Playing Down' PolicyPrintable

  1. A player may request an allowance to play down on a team that is registered at an age level that is no more than one age level below actual WSYSA player registration age. Only requests for medical reasons will be reviewed.Process for Application:

    FIRST! - Review the WYS Playdown overview.

    A. Register with your Club

    B. Provide your Association with the following documents:

    Playdown Verification Form , Hold Harmless Form, and Medical Release Form.

    C. club forwards paperwork together with a cover letter and copy of the player's registration form (registration form should include the hold harmless language) to NSYSA

    D. Complete packet is delivered to NSYSA, if mailed postmarked no later than date of the annual Fall Scheduling Meeting. (Packets received later than this date run the risk of not being reviewed prior to the start of the fall season resulting in a possible loss of matches for the player.)

    E. NSYSA BOD will review request at its next BOD meeting and then notify the Club of its decision.