Mail - What is it intended for?The Site Mail mechanism is designed to facilitate communication amongst the District IV membership within the scope of D4Soccer.org and address some of the shortcomings of Email (i.e. the inability to verify the delivery of an Email Message). It is NOT intended to be a replacement for conventional Email. This Site Mail mechanism has replaced the old Notice System that was formally utilized to inform individual Team Points of Contact (POC) (Notify them) of something important that is pertinent to them on the District IV website. Typically it involved a change of some sort to a particular match. The Notice System was removed from the District IV website in Jun 2009. Click here for a complete Overview of D4 Website Mail System What will Happen?Every time you Log on to the District IV website, the system will check to see if you have any new Mail. If the system detects any new Mail for you, it will automatically let you know that new Mail is waiting for you. {See example below}
Mail - Inbox
To get to your Mail Inbox, simply click on the Action Button
To Open a Mail Message
To Open a particular Mail Message listed in your Inbox, simply click on the # at the far left of that message line in your Inbox. The system will then display the actual Message {see Open Message below}
Mail Pertaining to Match Change Information
If a message in your Inbox pertains to a Match Change, you can immediately display the Match Information for the match in question by simply clicking on the Action Button
How to use the Mail System?Again, the Site Mail mechanism is designed to facilitate communication amongst the District IV membership within the scope of D4Soccer.org and Site Mail can be Sent/Forwarded to anyone listed in the District IV Member Directory. Remember, to be listed in the Member Directory - Click here for a complete Overview of D4 Website Mail System | |||||||||||||