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How to Acquire a Game Roster Form on the NSYSA WebsitePrintable

Where's the Game Roster Form?

This FAQ is designed to show the Coach/Staff Member how to obtain a Game Roster Form on the NSYSA Website.

Game Rosters can now be obtained in either of two (2) ways as follows:

  1. {Preferred Method} Printed Directly (completely filled out with all pertinent game, Coach and Player Name & Jersey info) via this Website for teams participating in the following leagues:

    - NSYSA League (U11 & Above)
    - NSYSA League (U10 & Below)

    *Note - this capability is not available on the NSYSA website for teams participating in the following leagues:
    - RCL - formally know as the PDL
    - State League
    - District III League
    - NPSL

    Read below for instructions on how to obtain your Fully completed Game Roster Form from this website:

  2. {Alternate Method} If your team is not participating in one of these leagues or you still desire to obtain a blank Game Roster Form, then you must use a manual form for the appropriate league.

    The appropriate form for the NSYSA League is located on the NSYSA Website.

    Blank/Manual Game Roster Forms for other than NSYSA leagues (i.e. RCL, State League, District III, NPSL, etc.) must be obtained from the applicable league. They are currently not available via this website.

    All documents on the NSYSA Website are located under Information: Documents

    Read below for instructions on how to obtain your Manual/Blank NSYSA Game Roster Form from this website

How to Acquire a Completely Filled Out Game Roster Form Printed Directly From This Website

This section of this FAQ is designed to show the Coach/Staff Member how to obtain a Completely Filled Out Game Roster for a Specific Match that includes all pertinent game, Coach and Player Name & Jersey info.

1. Display your Team Schedule by clicking on Coach: Schedules. Then ensure that the Action Box in the Schedule Query Criteria Section is Checked as shown in the example below and then Click Show.

Note - It has been reported by one Mac user that the Action Icon - that looks like a Printer was not visible using Safari, but was after switching browsers to FireFox.

2. Then simply click on the Action Icon (looks like a printer) on the far right for the match you desire the roster for.

3. Your Game Roster will now be displayed.

Note - This will actually print out three (3) separate pages. Each page has a watermark indicating who should receive that particular copy following the match (Referee Copy, Home Team Copy, Visiting Team copy ). Therefore at the completion of the match, the Referee should walk away with one copy of each team's Roster, the Home Team should walk away with one copy of each team's Roster and the Away/Visiting team should walk away with one copy of each team's Roster.

These Roster's will contain all the applicable match information as well as Coach/Player Info. Jersey #'s will also be included if that information was uploaded into Bonzi by your Club Register. If your Team's Jersey #'s are not present, please contact your Club Registrar.

In the Sample below (Only the Referee Copy is shown), all Player Name information has been blanked out for privacy reasons. All three pages are identical except for the Watermark which indicates who is to keep that particular copy at the conclusion of the match.

Obtaining your Game Roster in this fashion eliminates the need to hand write all the data on manual forms.

Caution - Do not print out your Game Rosters to far in advance of your match. Matches may change and you will need the correct Match Information listed on the Game Roster Form.

Each League Authority (District IV, State League, RCL, etc.) that we are providing this service/capability for via the D4 website has granted up permission to do so in place of their manual game roster forms.

How to Acquire a Blank/Manual NSYSA Game Roster Form On This Website

This section of this FAQ is designed to show the Coach/Staff Member how to obtain a Blank/Manual NSYSA Game Roster form.

Blank/Manual Game Roster Forms for other than NSYSA leagues (i.e. RCL, State League, District III, NPSL, etc.) must be obtained from the applicable league. They are currently not available via this website.

Below is a sample of the display you will see after selecting Information: Documents

  1. Select the Type of Document from the Dropdown Box. in this case - we are looking for a "Form"
  2. Select the Level that controls this document from the next Dropdown Box. In this case "District IV" or "NSYSA"
  3. Now click on "Search" and the system will then display all the Forms controlled by NSYSA on the Website.

    You should now see the NSYSA Game Roster Form listed.

  1. Now click on number next to the Form you deisre and it will Open.

    See below

  • Note - This will actually print out three (3) separate pages. Each page has a watermark indicating who should receive that particular copy following the match (Referee Copy, Home Team Copy, Visiting Team copy ).
    Therefore at the completion of the match, the Referee should walk away with one copy of each team's Roster, the Home Team should walk away with one copy of each team's Roster and the Away/Visiting team should walk away with one copy of each team's Roster.

    In the Sample above (Only the Referee Copy is shown).

    You may now print this out and manually enter the applicable data on all three copies needed for the specific match in question.