Coaches & Registrars: Video "How To" for Game Contacts - Rescheduling or Party Invite... (Video)Video of "How To" for figuring out when and who to contact for Rescheduling or After Game celebration invitesThis brief NSYSA Tips Video walks you through the conditional workflow and steps for figuring out Club Scheduler(s) and/or opposing Coach POC Figuring out when and with whom to reach out to for Game Scheduling details, as well as getting opposing coaches' POC (Point Of Contact) info. in order to invite them to any after-game party or special celebration. A. Ordered Workflow for Rescheduling 1st. Your Club Scheduler (Found under Member > Directory > Filter by Role= Scheduler 2nd. NSYSA at webmaster@NSYSASoccer.org 3rd. Opposing Club Scheduler (see step 1 above) 4th. Opposing Coach (Found under Coach > Schedule > scrape/copy opposing teams WSYSA ID# > Contact POC > Paste ID# > Click on Coach for contact details
B. Direct POC of Opposing Coach (see step 4 above) Walk-through explainer video https://youtu.be/3KvDqS6mVDU
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