The Site Subscription List mechanism is designed to provide NSYSA Members with an alternative way of receiving information from the NSYSA Website. It allows the member the opportunity to Opt In to any of several different Subscription Lists available on the NSYSA website. Meaning that the member will ONLY receive messages from a Subscription List if you elect to do so. The member not only gets to select which if any List to receive information from, but also gets to select which of their identified E-Mail addresses, Website Mail or RSS Feed that the Subscription Data should be sent to.
Note: A member can elect to setup an E-Mail address to have a Text Message sent to a Cell Phone. See Member: FAQ - How to Send Text Messages as E-Mail to Your Cell Phone
Therefore, these Subscription Lists are simply another method being made available to the membership in the ever-increasing number of communication options available via the website including:
- Mail Click here for a complete Overview of NSYSA Website Mail System
- What's New? pages ( NSYSA, TopSoccer, Coach, Referee, Registrar, Scheduler, etc.)
- RSS Feeds
- Subscription Lists
Surprisingly, about 5% of all emails are not successfully ready by the intended recipient. Errors occur on both ends and during transmission. Misspelled and/or out of date E-Mail addressed, SPAM filters, corporate and/or private firewalls, etc. all contribute to E-Mail being an often unreliable means of communication. The only sure way we have of providing our members information is to have the members come to the website. Once a member identifies them-self by Logging In, we can ensure that we successfully provide them the communications intended. Unfortunately, we still cannot ensure that the communications provided are read and understood.
For a Member to Find and/or Subscribe to a NSYSA Website Subscription List, simply Click on Member: Subscriptions
{See example below}
The following Subscriptions Lists are currently available on the NSYSA Website. A member can elect to subscript to as many or as few as they desire:
From the Member: Subscription segment, simply decide which list you want to subscribe to and then select which delivery option/s for that specific list you desire and check the appropriate blocks. Select as many or as few individual Subscriptions Lists to subscribe to as you desire. Once completed, click Update at the bottom of the display to save your selected options. You may come back to this page as often as you like to modify/update your selections.
{See example below}
The best way to maintain your E-Mail address information on the D4 website is to do so from the Member: Profile segment. Go there and then select the Emails Tab. You may now not only update your E-Mail addresses but also update your Subscription List selections.
{See example below}
The concludes this FAQ covering Subscription Lists