NSYSA Disciplinary InstructionsI Received A Card/Warning/Expulsion. Now What Do I Do?So, you received a Card/Warning/Expulsion at a match under the Authority of NSYSA and you don't know what to do. Let's try to review/explain the process so you are aware of what you Must Do and what you Can Do. NSYSA has an Approved NSYSA Disciplinary Policy Click here to view the NSYSA Disciplinary Policy: You Received A Yellow Card/Warning.A Yellow Card/Caution or Warning was issued during a match. You are not required to attend any hearing. There are no pre-scheduled disciplinary hearings for one to simply attend. Your misconduct will be adjudicated by the NSYSA Disciplinary Committee following receipt of the report. Should you wish to contest the Card/Warning that was issued, you must formally request a Disciplinary Hearing in accordance with the NSYSA Disciplinary Policy Please note that should you receive three (3) Yellow Cards / Cautions /Warnings in a season that are upheld by the Committee, you will be required to Sit from your next match and one (1) additional match for each subsequent Yellow Cards/Warning that you receive and that is upheld by the Committee. You Received A Red Card or were Expelled.A Red Card was issued or you were Expelled during a match. You are not required to attend any hearing. There are no pre-scheduled disciplinary hearings for one to simply attend. Your misconduct will be adjudicated by the NSYSA Disciplinary Committee following receipt of the report. A one game suspension is automatic unless: Should you wish to contest the Card that was issued or Expulsion, you must formally request a Disciplinary Hearing NSYSA Disciplinary CommitteeShould you have any questions or concerns about a Misconduct Issue and/or the NSYSA Disciplinary Committee, please contact the NSYSA Disciplinary Director at disciplinary@NSYSAsoccer.org What should you do if you receive a Card/Warning/Expulsion and you are participating in a NSYSA League but do not Reside within NSYSA coverage area?If you are participating on a NSYSA league and you receive a Card (Yellow / Red) or receive a Warning/Expulsion and reside outside the geographical boundaries of the Association, your misconduct/s will still be adjudicated by the NSYSA Disciplinary Committee following receipt of the report. If you wish to request a Disciplinary Hearing to Contest a card, you must do so in accordance with the NSYSA Disciplinary Policy Again, should you have any questions or concerns about a Misconduct Issue and/or the NSYSA Disciplinary Committee, please contact the NSYSA Disciplinary Director at disciplinary@NSYSAsoccer.org What should you do if you receive a Card/Warning/Expulsion and you are NSYSA Team/Member participating in a non-NSYSA controlled League (i.e. PDL, Washington Youth State League or District III)?If you are a NSYSA Member participating in a non-NSYSA league and you receive a Card (Yellow / Red) or receive a Warning/Expulsion, your misconduct/s will be adjudicated by the applicable Leagues Disciplinary Committee and not by the NSYSA Disciplinary Committee. Please address any questions regarding disciplinary matters/actions from such a league to that particular Disciplinary Committee/League. | |||||||||||||