
Risk Management

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The NSYSA website is designed to track the RM status of all of its members. It does this by verifying the RMA status of every individual that Logs On to the NSYSA website with WSYSA as follows:

  • At Log In, the members RiskMgmt First Name, Last Name and DOB information is sent to Affinity. The NSYSA system sends the name information located in the RiskMgmt Name fields of the member's profile if present.
    If a members RiskMgmt Name is not present in the member's NSYSA record, then the NSYSA system sends the name information located in the Common Name fields of the member's profile. Affinity will respond by returning the following information if a match is found:
    1. RMA#
    2. RMA Status (i.e. Approved, Failed, Review Committee, None, etc.)
    3. RMA Expiration date

    This information is then written into the applicable fields on the NSYSA website. If no match is found, then any former data in the applicable NSYSA RMA fields will be erased.

  • Access to certain portions/functions on the [claAcronynm] website is limited to those members with a Valid Affinity RM Clearance.
  • A WYS slide deck on current (spring 2021) steps needed to follow in order to obtain or renew your RMA is linked here
  • To apply for an initial - or the renewal of an existing - Risk Management clearance, you go to the Washington Youth Soccer site here.

Should you experience any difficulty with your RM status on the NSYSA website and therefore difficulty with access to the NSYSA website or any portion thereof, please notify your club registrar who will attempt to work with you and in the case of full-sided refs KPSRA, to resolve the problem.

REMEMBER that this system is for the protection of the youth and the finances of the organization. NSYSA will always elect to choose the option that best works for this protection.